Two books for less than the price of one. These books have minor imperfections. They could have any of the following. Bent corners and/or edges on cover and inside pages. Scuffed and/or scratches on covers. In some instances there may be a small tear in a page, pages or cover. In all instances, these books will be completely intact and in readable condition. The condition of these books will be similar to " Very Good Used".
Build a Plastic Injection Molding Machine
Written by Vincent R. Gingery
Published by David J. Gingery Publishing, LLC
ISBN 1-878087-19-3
5-1/2 x 8-1/2 Paper Back. Perfect Bound. 128 Pages.
At last, here is a book that brings the art of plastic injection molding to the home shop level. Working with plastics can be a fun and profitable hobby. If you have ever wanted to produce custom made plastic parts or just want to know how it’s done then this book is for you.
Included are complete step by step instructions on how to build a small inexpensive table top injection molding machine capable of injecting up to 1/2 ounce of plastic into a mold. Sources for plastic will be those things normally thrown away. Stuff like plastic milk jugs, soda pop bottles, plastic oil cans etc.
You will learn the basic principles of injection molding and how to design and make your own molds. Begin by making a simple mold to test the machine. Then a mold for a plastic knob that will be used on the machine. Progress to a mold for a small plastic container with a snap lid. It won’t be long before you will be creating new products of your own design. I’ll even show you how to cast replacements for broken or missing plastic parts. Just think of the possibilities. And the finished items you make will turn out so nice and look so professional that it will be hard to believe you made them yourself.
Build a Plastic Vacuum Forming
Machine Written by Vincent R. Gingery
Published by David J. Gingery Publishing, LLC
ISBN 1-878087-22-3
5-1/2 x 8-1/2 Paper Back.
Perfect Bound. 106 Pages.
Discover why vacuum forming is considered one of the most versatile of the plastic thermoforming processes.
The plans in this book provide the information you need to build a large professional quality vacuum forming machine. Learn step-by-step how to design and build your own fully self contained machine capable of molding thick sheet plastic using either positive or negative molds.
Then after covering basic plastic technology, you will learn how to make your own molds and use them to quickly form flat sheets of thermoplastic into intricate shapes with incredible accuracy. You will be able to fabricate unusual signs, plastic containers, decorative objects, model car and airplane bodies and more!
Simple angle iron construction and clever design make this a rewarding project to build.