
Working Sheet Metal

$10.00 SKU 011
More Details - Working Sheet Metal

Written by David J. Gingery

Published by David J. Gingery Publishing, LLC

ISBN 1-878087-13-4

5-1/2 x 8-1/2 Paper Back. Perfect Bound. 90 Pages.

There is no question but that you could fabricate nearly anything of sheet metal if you had at your disposal a brake, shears, slip roll, spot welder and many other mechanical wonders of the modern age. But what if you have no equipment at all. If you are a shop hand with limited funds it is likely that you will frequently need an article in sheet metal that you feel ill equipped to make. So here is some good news. It is not the equipment you lack, but rather the knowledge of how to accomplish what the equipment would do for you if you had it.

This book will show you how you can still hand fabricate nearly anything in sheet metal, and make it look as good and be as durable as the manufactured item while costing far less. It will show you how to cut, bend, fold, roll and otherwise form sheetmetal into articles you need using simple home built equipment. Learn to develop the precise patterns needed and learn how to redesign projects to bring them within the scope of this noble craft.


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