
Build a 35' Tilt-Over Antenna Tower

$10.00 SKU 013
More Details - Build a 35' Tilt-Over Antenna Tower

Written by David J. Gingery

Published by David J. Gingery Publishing, LLC

ISBN 1-878087-11-8

5-1/2 x 8-1/2 Paper Back Booklet. Staple Bound. 25 Pages.

Whether you’re a ham radio operator, CB operator or an FM or TV buff you will probably have considered installing a tower to raise your antenna for better performance. And then you discovered how much such improvements cost. The good news is that it is entirely practical to build one yourself and this guide will show you how.

Standard water pipe in 1" and 1/2" size and 3/4" electrical conduit are welded up with 3/8" rebar and 1/4" hot rolled bar to form the column. Pivoted at the 12’ height, it tilts over with a light duty boat trailer winch so that you never need climb it to work on the antenna. Set in a full cubic yard of concrete, it needs no annoying hazardous guy wires to spoil your yard. The one depicted here has withstood five years of Missouri high winds without harm, though large trees were ripped out. It’s a simple durable design.

You’ll need an arc welder capable of 75 amps, a hacksaw, some clamps, plywood for the jigs and standard hardware items. Complete step by step instructions with illustrations.

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